- How have you learned about what healthy food is?
- How do you know what food is tasty?
- What is different about food now than, say, forty years (or more) ago?
2) What the World Eats: http://time.com/8515/what-the-world-eats-hungry-planet/
3) What do we say is a good diet in Canada? http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/alt_formats/hpfb-dgpsa/pdf/food-guide-aliment/print_eatwell_bienmang-eng.pdf
4) WORKSHEET - Okay, so let's figure out your typical day of food and diet - and see how it stacks up to the Canada Food Guide: using the food guide, let's all complete the FOOD DIARY worksheet.
5) Food Labeling - if we have time, let's see how well we read labels.